Grades 3-4 Winter Quarter
Year One
Exodus - the 10 Commandments
Teacher Resources to Get Started
Information for Coordinator.pdf |
Lesson 1 - Moses and the rock
Moses Hits the Rock Activity.pdf |
Lesson 2 - Moses Receives Help / Jethro's Visit
Lesson 3 - Mount Sinai
Lesson 4 - The Ten Commandments - 1st
10 Commandments Memorize Song.pdf |
Lesson 5 - The Ten Commandments - 2nd
2nd Commandment Color Page.pdf |
Lesson 6 - The Ten Commandments - 3rd
Lesson 7 - The Ten Commandments - 4th
Lesson 8 - The Ten Commandments - 5th
10 Commandments Cards Set 2.pdf |
Lesson 9 - The Ten Commandments - 6th
Lesson 10 - The Ten Commandments - 7th
Lesson 11 - The Ten Commandments - 9th
Lesson 12 - The Ten Commandments - 9th
10 Commandment Card Set 2.pdf |
Lesson 13 - The Ten Commandments - 10th